1 : the act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality
2 : a creative ability to confront and deal with a problem
Merrian-Webster dictionary
BOREMPO_BORrderless EMbodied POlitics
aims at boosting political imagination and making participation accessible to all inhabitants, overcoming dichotomies that are often exclusive (such as citizen/non citizen), exploring "borderless" practices of political participation «not present in their senses or never before wholly perceived in reality».
Not everybody can participate in the public arena through conventional speech (ie. migrants who don’t know the language yet, children who can’t perform dialectical tools), through conventional mobility (ie. highly disabled people, physically and mentally confined people) or through heteronormative presence. The body instead allows for several experimentations of political participation, solidarity and encounters through collective non-violent performances. And yet, the current Italian “Salvini law”, approved in 2018 by the former Italian government, is ‘slowly’ suppressing possibilities to show political dissent in a non-violent way.
In order to embody politics, we are organising since 2019 activities and workshops that leave speech at the last level of expression for political engagement, and in which the body and non-verbal embodied ways of expression take protagonism.
The final aim is creating a Social Carnival in Turin in March 2020, a moment in which political issues and debates are brought collectively to the streets of the city, using arts, music and bodies for a political existence
BOREMPO_BORrderless EMbodied POlitics mira a stimolare l'immaginazione, fornendo mezzi e creando spazi per gli individui e i gruppi per sperimentare ed esplorare sfere di partecipazione politica "non presenti nei loro sensi o mai prima del tutto percepite nella realtà". Pensiamo che tale processo di immaginazione possa essere attivato attraverso un percorso in cui esploriamo collettivamente e individualmente pratiche "senza confini" e ci impegniamo attivamente e intenzionalmente in pratiche di "embody' la nostra partecipazione politica". Per incarnare la politica, puntiamo a proporre una serie di attività e workshop che lasciano il discorso all'ultimo livello di espressione come strumento di impegno politico, e in cui il corpo e le forme di espressione incarnata non verbale prendono il protagonismo.